miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2022

Advantages of PVC windows

 PVC, a resin composed of 57% common salt, was the last material to be added to this list. Today, it is the present and the future of windows.

PVC windows are characterized by their excellent thermal and acoustic insulation, since, in addition to the PVC itself, they are designed and extruded with several internal air chambers, adding in the case of Ecoven plus windows a reinforcement of galvanized steel in all profiles.

It is a highly durable material with a very low maintenance cost, all you need is soap and water, as it is immune to contamination and very resistant to condensation and inclement weather. The color remains stable over time and, thanks to new foliated technologies, they can be produced in a wide range of colors and wood and metallic finishes, smooth and textured, as well as in the new Spectral ultra-matte finish, a great revolution for the aesthetic possibilities of windows.

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